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Usually Cookies are anonymous identifiers with small, text type information. Nowadays, cookies are used on several platforms and in browsers.

Our webshop and all the connected web-based systems generate encrypted cookies. Its main purpose is to differentiate customer/admin groups and logged in status. We are not storing customer related information in these cookies (browsers can store certain input field history regarding domains in case you are experiencing prefilled forms but it can be turned off in each browsers). We use this hidden information to create different pages and structures on our surfaces.

That means, we use cookies in order to improve your experience on our sites and it makes us able to create customer related layouts (B2C, B2B). By using our cookies we can create anonymous statistics about the webshop that will help us to refactor some of our subpages.

We are using two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies.
- Session cookies are created temporarily in your browser while you are browsing our sites. Once you close your browser these cookies are deleted.
- Persistent cookies remain for longer period of time in browser’s subfolder. Expire date is set in the cookie’s header but you are able to clear these once as well from your browser. (lifetime of these cookies could be longer than a year)

Our sites are using pixel tags like Google and Facebook pixels in order to get a bigger picture on our sales and learn more about our customers and they needs (UX development and catalogue content improvement). These tags cannot identify our customers directly although we are able to connect a user journey to an order but this can be done only manually.

Cookies used on our websites:

TypeFunctionPersonal information
Identifier and Functional cookies These cookies make customers’ steps shorter and provide more dynamic shopping experience during shopping processes. By using it you are able to get access to your customer account and some specifically designed pages. Identifier and Functional cookies are not storing personal informations.
Customers cannot use our sites without accepting our cookies or with browsers disabled cookie settings.
Marketing and Statistics cookies/pixels We use these cookies to deliver information to our marketing services in order to provide relevant recommendations for customers or targeted groups of people.
With pixels we are able to measure the efficiency of our marketing campaigns.
Current technology makes big social media providers able to track users/customers across sites/domains.
Even though we do not keep personal infomation in these cookies certain companies can connect users to sessions while their servers are processing received data.

Most browsers accept cookies by using default settings. You can change this option to disable cookies or get warned if a site is trying to create a cookie on your device. There are several methods to deal with cookies but each differs because of different browsers. In order to get more information about cookie handling you should visit the help page in your browser.
In case a customer turns off cookies the site will not be able to load regional settings and will not be able to go through an ordering flow.

If you are using multiple devices (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) please make sure you set all the same settings on each of them.

The purpose of data handling: user identification and tracking, differenciate user groups, identification of user sessions, storing data that were collected during a user’s journey (order information, etc.), personalization of advertisement

The legal basis for data handling: the contribution of the person concerned

Duration of data handling: check our Cookie Policy

Recipients: Google LLC (Address: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway; Mountain View, CA 94043; USA),Facebook Inc. (Address: Menlo Park, California 94025)

Data Handler

Name: Cavalliera International Kft.
Address: 1162, Budapest, Kendermag utca 3.
Reg. Nr.: 01-09-909548
VAT Nr.: 14562925-2-42
EU VAT Nr.: HU14562925
Registry authority: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Mail Address: 1162, Budapest, Kendermag utca 3.
Phone: +36 70 531 9009


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